Lets Get Funky - Website Policy

Welcome, Funky User!

Welcome to our creative playground! Before you start generating images and music, let's go through some important stuff. It's not just small print - it's the heart of our fair play.

No Refunds - That's the Deal

Once you've bought your coins, they're yours for creating. We don't do refunds.

Shared Art - It's a Collective Thing

Every image here is owned by all registered users. You're part of a creative collective just by signing up.

Payments - Safe and Straightforward

We aim for value but also need to keep the lights on. Prices might shift, but fairness is key. We use Stripe for payments. Your financial details? That's between you and Stripe.

Privacy - Just the Essentials

We gather data only from registration and use it for login. The prompt texts are used for gallery searches. Your prompts are your own; others can search for keywords or sentences but won't see your exact prompts.

Legal Bits - In Plain text

We're based in Finland, and we fulfill our tax obligations like any responsible business. You get 50 credits for 5€. One image generation is 1 credit.

The Rules - Simple and Clear

Most important rule of them all: Your recovery key in your profile page, save it and keep it safe!

If you're using the site, you're agreeing to these terms.

If you did not read the policy, the policy still applies.

Features may come and go, but image generation is here to stay.

Pick a username that you'd be happy to see in the credits in case people want to credit the original creator, but crediting the image to it's original creator is not a must.

Content Guidelines

We use DALL-E 3 which produces safe-for-work content. If you try something inappropriate and it doesn't work out, that's on you. If there's a big problem on our end, we're here to help. Small glitches? Let's just keep the creativity flowing.

Wrapping Up

That's the essence of our policy.

Let's get funky!

Questions or Feedback?

I'll be adding something here for that.